Name: Justin Lane
College: Central Washington
Position: Quarterback
Height: 6’1″
Weight: 210

Q: If you could describe your style of play in 3 words, what would they be?

Justin: Relaxed, confident, aggressive.

Q: How are you going to train/prepare this offseason in preparation for the draft or other pro opportunities?

Justin: Training will take place with our strength and conditioning coach. 5 days a week, as well as throwing with receivers/TE who are also preparing for the draft. Reviewing film and staying sharp in the film room as well.

Q: If you could compare yourself to one current or former NFL player who would it be and why?

Justin: Compare myself to Brett Favre. Hard to Compare yourself to a HOF, but his style of play and how we went about his relationships with other players on the field is how I attack football. Always have a smile on my face and playing 100% is a must, he was a gunslinger and had a great live arm. I feel I pose his same attributes as well as athletically being able to move around in the pocket.

Q: When you are studying film, what do you focus on or look for?

Justin: Watching film, I break it down day by day. One day I’ll watch all 1st and 2nd down. Next day all 3rd down. After that all redzone plays. Then finally, I will breakdown all blitz’s figuring out tendencies and when to expect them to bring pressure. As I’m doing all this study, I’m writing notes on tendencies of players on their team who I can exploit and to attack in certain coverages. I review these notes nightly and before each game.

Q: What separates you from other players at your position?

Justin: I feel like a lot of players at my position care about stats and long runs and long throws. Yes that’s great to have, it shows success, but at the end of the day we are all here for a reason we can all make those threading the needle throws, or great plays in general. Personally, I just want to win, I’ll do whatever it takes on my part to get the job done. I would sacrifice a lot for the overall team to make sure we are successful. Talent wise, I feel like I have top tier arm strength and can make every throw on the field with good decision making skills.

Q: What kind of abilities would you bring to a team that will stand out both on and off the field?

Justin: Abilities I would bring on the field, again; top level arm strength with good accuracy. Not a burner, but highlights will show I have great feel for the pockets and do a good job keeping eyes down field when escaping the rush. Lastly, the uncanny ability to just flat out make plays. Off the field; I’m great in the community. I love giving back and speaking with people. I’m not huge on social media and would never portray myself or my team in a bad way.

Q: What is your final pitch/sell to NFL and other pro league scouts?

Justin: I love football, I’ve played it for 15+ years already and would do anything to keep playing this game. I bring great decision making and arm talent to the QB position. I was a team Captain and know how to rally guys, I feel like teammates follow me on game days. It’s something I take pride in. I can make every throw on the field with good mechanics and keep plays alive dancing around the pocket as needed. You’ll never meet someone who has more fun than me on the football field, and what’s more fun then winning with your brothers. Family is huge to me. They have always been there for me through my journey and they will continue to be as I try to keep playing. Lastly, family is football. Whatever team I play for is my family as well. I have love for everyone and respect the game.