Name: Joe Zanca
School: DePauw University
Position: DL

Height: 6’0”
Weight: 270

What goals did you set and/or accomplish in your final collegiate season?

I wanted our team to win conference and get to the play offs. As a team we set goals that’s would get us to that point such as going 1-0 everyday. That meant having good practices, studying film, going to class. That mentality really helped to accomplish our goals and make history. For me most of my goals are team oriented and the accolades I received was really just the icing on the cake.

Q: How do you think you took advantage of the extra year of eligibility to increase your chances of going pro?

That extra time that I took to develop my speed and strength in the weight room really made a difference and it showed on the field. I was able to play around 80% of the snaps this past season and produce because of how hard I worked in the time leading up to it. The training I did is going to help me show to pro scouts that I’m a guy who will work his butt off every single chance I get. On the field and in the weight room I know only one speed, full throttle.

Q: What would your coaches and teammates say about the type of player you are?

They would say I’m a player who goes all out. I bring the juice and energy and every time I step on the field I’m willing to put my life on the line for a win. I’ve got a zero quit mentality and it’s infectious.

Q: When you are studying film, what are the things you focus on to improve your game?

I look at all 5 offensive line men study their techniques and tendencies. I recognize when guys are head heavy or if they want to protect the inside or outside more. I watch their hand placement if they shoot low or high. I study these things and plan which moves I’m gonna use. On a head heavy guy I’m gonna bull pull him. On a guy who protects the outside more I’m gonna do a jab step out then rip in. Vice versa for the guy who protects the inside. Depending on where guys shoot their hands I’ll swipe or chop.

Q: What separates you from the other pro prospects at your position?

I separate myself form other with my play I don’t let adversity get me down. No matter what the situation is I’m out there giving it my all. I have zero fear of any man I line up across.

Q: What is your offseason plan to train and prepare for professional opportunities?

Speed training and strength training. I go into the gym with the intention of getting better at my sport. The training I do will help me compete at a higher level along with being able to make the final push in the forth quarter. I will train for function, injury, prevention and explosiveness.

Q: What kind of strengths and abilities will you bring to a team that will stand out both on and off the field?

Any defense I play for I’ll bring three things speed, tenacity, and violence. I bring leadership along with a willingness to learn and be coached up. I bring competition as well. I’m a guy who will push my teammates to be better through competing every play. I can run stop the run with my stout play and violent hands and rush the passer with my quick moves and high motor.

Q: What is your final pitch to the NFL and any other pro leagues?

Talk is cheap but I’m no stranger to be being over looked and underrated. But that has fueled me to become one of the hardest workers out there. I’ll come day in and day out giving 110% percent of myself. I thrive in adverse circumstances. Throughout my college career I’ve been double and triple teamed and still made plays. Anytime I got a one on one match up I took advantage and made a play the film doesn’t lie. I can play anywhere in the defensive line and create havoc in the back field. Any organization I end up at I will bring a positive effect. No one will out work me.