Name: Dimitrius Patterson
School: Lindsey Wilson College
Position: WR
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 180

What goals did you set and/or accomplish in your final collegiate season?

The goals I set for my final season were mostly team oriented goals because team goals get you your personal goals. First, conference Championship and then back to back National championships. We succeeded in conference championship, and went on to win 23 games in 9 months because we played in the spring then right back in the fall. So I would say it was a really successful year in 2021.

Q: How do you think you took advantage of the extra year of eligibility to increase your chances of going pro?

I was able to start in the spring on really good team and again in the fall. Playing on a team that is that good, you have to compete everyday or you could get passed up. So really just taking advantage of every single day because the day you slip up is the day someone passes you up. So with that being said I was able to have a better year than the spring because I was working to be great and I believe I took my game to another level when it came to reading defenses, blocking, and running routes. Because our defense at LWC was Legit.

Q: What would your coaches and teammates say about the type of player you are?

I believe that my coaches and teammates would say I am one of the hardest workers on our team. I’m an unselfish a starter that plays on special teams and comes everyday ready to work wether it’s meetings, lifting, class, or practice. I also think they would say I’m a very reliable WR who will get the job done every single week.

Q: When you are studying film, what are the things you focus on to improve your game?

When studying film I always critique what I could’ve done better every play. Wether it’s blocking, I could’ve ran that route a little more crisp, or even down to I should’ve held my block a tad longer at the line on punt return. It’s the little details that separate good to great. So I focus on the little things in every aspect so that I can be better than I was the day before.

Q: What separates you from the other pro prospects at your position?

What separates me from other prospects at my position is my willingness to play special teams as well as playing WR at a high level. Also, my IQ of the game is what separates me from a lot of other players. When you are able to play the game without thinking you are able to play faster without making mistakes. So that is what separates me.

Q: What is your offseason plan to train and prepare for professional opportunities?

My plan is to play in a senior bowl in January! Then to train in Chattanooga, TN with one of the best trainers in the business Cam Russell to prepare for pro day. I have a few combines that I will be able to attend. One I can’t wait for is Coach Mike Jasper’s at Bethel University which will be a great opportunity for me.

Q: What kind of strengths and abilities will you bring to a team that will stand out both on and off the field?

I will bring a worker’s mentality to any team I am on. I will be early and stay late. I am a grinder. I love it, and I hate to be out worked. I treat every practice as if it was a game and I am a winner and I believe I would be a great WR for any team that is willing to take a chance on me. For off the field you do not have to worry about me bringing any negativity to the team. I am a team guy and I stay out of trouble. I am mature and ready to compete at all times. So I do not do things that could cost me this game.

Q: What is your final pitch to the NFL and any other pro leagues?

I am a winner like previously stated, I am a hard worker, I have excelled at the collegiate level on a great team with many guys that I believe will play professionally as well. I am guy that you can always trust. Wether it’s on the field, learning a playbook quickly, or off the field doing the right things. I know a team will get a steal when they pick me up.