Name: Demetrius Boyd
School:  Lycoming
Position: CB
Height:  5’11″
Weight: 208

Q: What goals did you set and/or accomplish in your final collegiate season?

The number one goal that I wanted to accomplish, was for me and my teammates to win a national championship. I believed that this was a great way to go out from battling many adversities over the past few years. A personal goal that I had for myself was, for me to be a player that other teams had to worry about and planned around, and in my opinion, I believed that I have accomplished this goal. I also wanted to be named the first-team cornerback in my conference. Even though I battled through my injury and missed a couple of games, I was still able to make sure that I achieved this goal. During the course of the season, I had dislocated my shoulder tackling one of my opponents in overtime.

Q: What would your coaches and teammates say about the type of player you are?

My coaches and teammates will both say that I am a very loud person. I am very close to each person on my team, and they would say that they can notice me from a mile away because I’m so loud. When I say “loud”, I mean that I am a person that shows a lot of respect and show love to each person that is close to me. Another thing that they would say about me is that I am a hard worker. I work hard no matter if I am by myself or if I am working with someone. Another thing that my coaches and teammates would say about me is that I am very committed and stubborn and relentless. No matter what the score is during the game, if I am in the game or not, I am willing to give all my heart and effort into this game. I am relentless, because no matter how bad I am hurting, what is going on in my personal life, no matter what is the outcome of the game, or anything, I am not willing to give up and throw in the towel. I am stubborn because no matter what the circumstances are, I will not quit, no matter what. My parents raised a solider and my coaches and teammates saw this in me and were willing to name me as one the captains for the season.

Q: When you are studying film, what do you focus on to improve your game?

When it comes to watching film of practice, I focus on the little things that can enhance my knowledge and skill as a player. Since during the course of the season I played boundary corner, I was pressing the majority of the time. So, when I watch the film I pay close attention to if I moved my foot quick enough to cut off the receiver first step before I get hands on the receiver. I also, pay attention to my alignment, and also, to the rest of my teammate’s positioning to make sure that we all are on the same page, and to see what each individual is doing. When I am watching the film regarding my opponents, I look at where the wide receiver is lining up, and also their tendencies that the receiver and quarterback have.

Q: What separates you from the other pro prospects at your position?

I believe what separates me from other prospects is that I am a very physical defensive player. Not only am I a physical defensive player, I am also very attentive. I am not the tallest corner, I am not the biggest, strongest, nor fastest, but what I can say is that I have a strong mind, body and most importantly, heart. When it comes to playing football, I do not care how big, strong or fast a person is, I continue to stay focus and I never give up. I have never backed down from a challenge or an opponent. I will always step up to take on any adversities. I have been through some challenges, but I have always bounced back from them, stronger and better than ever.

Q: What is your offseason plan to train and prepare for professional opportunities?

During the offseason, I am going to be continuing to get healthy from my shoulder surgery. But I will not let my shoulder be an excuse as to why I am not training and working to be better. I have to work smarter so I can stay on this road to be back to one hundred percent. I have been doing a lot of stretching to make sure my body stays loose, I am staying in shape, but best believe once I receive confirmation that I am allowed to start my football training again, which it should be late June or early July, then I will be back into focusing on the little things as far as foot work, shifting of the hips, my backpedal, etc. I know I will have a lot of help from my coaches and my father to work with me and concentrate on the little things that will show on the new level (big stage).

Q: What kind of strengths and abilities will you bring to a team that will stand out both on and off the field?

On the field, I bring my physicality, good energy to every practice, and a positive attitude to come out of each practice to learn and be better today than the previous day. I also know that I will have to be able to learn from the people who are in front of me on the roster. I am always open to accepting any type of criticism and suggestions that I should do to enhance my skills as a person and as a football player. Off the field, I will continue to watch films and to be opened minded about the mistakes that I have made. I know I will need to focus on what I need to learn to better myself. Also, focusing on keeping my body healthy by doing the little things like stretching, ice baths, hot baths and anything that the trainer would recommend of me to do to stay in the best shape.

Q: What is your final pitch to the NFL or any other pro leagues?

I didn’t go to a big Division 1 school, nor did I go to a Division 2 school. I went to a Division 3 school called Lycoming College, in Williamsport, PA, and I took every advantage of this opportunity to playing with some great coaches and teammates that I call my brother(s). Out of my collegiate career, I dealt with injuries, some personal problems at school and home, but I pushed through those obstacles and I stayed focus. I proved to each opponent that we played during the season that I am a person that cannot be taken lightly. I also proved week to week that I can and will show up and line up against other teams’ best receivers. I am also a person that doesn’t just play on the defensive side of the ball, I am also willing to show what I can do on special teams. I am willing to do anything that can do to bringing a team a successful season.