Name: Curtis Williams
School: Arkansas Monticello
Position: S
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 210

Q: What goals did you accomplish heading into your final collegiate season?

My goal for this past season was to leave it all on the field and have my best season yet. I accomplished both of those, and I’m confident that I ended my college career in a way that left me excited and prepared to work even harder for the next level.

Q: What would your coaches say about the type of player you are?

My coaches would say that I’m a very knowledgeable player when it comes to the game. I study the plays and film to the point where I know the game plan up and down and can help coach my teammates in whatever areas they are either struggling in or don’t fully understand.

Q: When you are studying film, what do you focus on to improve your game?

I focus on the little things that most people forget to pay attention to such as being in the right position and doing my job/assignment for that play. I also focus on knowing who’s next to me, so we can all help each other complete our job. I also look for any improvements I can make, even on the good plays because there is always room to be better.

Q: What separates you from the other players at your position?

My grind and determination to be better everyday will separate me from others. I know the sky is the limit, and I have to give it my all, so I don’t miss out on any opportunities that I’m given. My love for the game really pushes me to be prepared for anything, and I will keep improving and working for any opportunity that comes my way.

Q: How will you train and prepare this offseason for the draft or other pro opportunities?

I plan to start from the basics and master them because most people try to correct the more technical aspects of the game before working on the basics because they seem so simple, but these are the most important things. I also plan to go back and watch film and find everything I can improve on. Lastly, I will focus on finding and channeling that extra push in me that will help me to prove people wrong.

Q: What kind of strengths and abilities will you bring to a team that will stand out both on and off the field?

Some strengths that I would bring to a team is my energy and competitiveness which is something that is contagious and will bring the best out of everyone. I also feel like my confidence in my abilities is a strength because you can really tell the difference from a player who is just going through the motions compared to someone who knows the game and plays from muscle memory. This comes from repeatedly practicing and perfecting all aspects of the game and the position. Also, some abilities I will bring is my work ethic and my willingness to be coachable and learn as much as possible.

Q: What is your final pitch or sell to NFL and other pro league scouts?

My drive and determination to be the best player I can be is unmatched, and I am fully confident that any opportunity I am given will turn me into an important asset to the team. I would be grateful for any chance to prove myself and show everyone that this is a dream that I plan on turning into reality.